What is Your Return on Your Kitchen Remodel

Kitchen ROI


Hi I am Christina Swain with the Swain team

As an expert realtor I have consulted with many clients before their remodel projects. If you’re considering a kitchen remodel keep in mind that the size and scope of the project will largely influence the cost and Your return on investment.

Let’s take a look –

A minor kitchen remodel will cost you around $26,000 and give you a 72.2% ROI.

A midrange remodel will cost around $75,000 and give you a 57.4% ROI.

An upscale remodel will cost you $150,000 and give only a 53.9% ROI.


If you are considering updating your kitchen to sell, reach out to me I can give you tips and tricks to keep your costs low while enhancing your home’s value.

Until next time I am Christina swain with the swain team.


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